Monday, October 5, 2009

Some healthy food Stuff

Radish Poriyal

Radish - 2
Greeted Coconut - 1 cup
Green chili - 2
Tumeric, salt, curry leaves, mustard, sesame/ Olive oil as needed
Shallots - 50 grams
Dry Chilies - 2


Cut Radish in big pieces, Cook with tumeric and drain all its water. (let it be dry). Keep it aside.
Take a plate, put greeted coconut, chopped green chilies, little tumeric, chopped shallots, salt and mix well with hand. Now take a pan, pour little oil, add mustard, curry leaves and dry chilies. Add the coconut mixture and mix well. Add the chopped raddish and mix again.

Raddish poriyal is ready. Can be served with rice and curry.

Mutton Soup


Mutton Ribs - 100 grams

Potatoes - 1

Shallots - 250 grams

Tomato - 1

Green peas - 50 grams

Fresh mint leaves - chopped

bay leaf - 1

Cardomans - 2

Cloves - 3

Pepper whole - 6

Pepper powder - 1 tsp

Olive oil - 1 tsp

Turmeric, salt and water as needed


Clean ans throughly wash mutton bones/ Ribs. Peal, wash and cut vegetables. Pour oil in a cooker, fry bay leaf, cloves, pepper whole, cardomons. Then add vegetables and mint leaves with pepper powder, turmeric and salt. Add mutton bones and mix well on a medium flame for 10 minutes.

Add three cups of water, close the lid and along it to whistle 3 times.

The mutton soup is ready.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some Dishes using eggs!!!!

Egg Kurma

Eggs - 5
Onions - 9
Sesame oil, salt and tumeric powder as required
Mustard - 1 spoon
curry leaves
shallots - 2
Dry chilies - 5
Cumin seeds - 1 tablespoon
Greeted coconut - 1 cup
Dhania Powder - 1 Tablespoon
Garam masala - 1 table spoon

Boil eggs, peel it and cut into half and keep aside. chopp the onions. Grind (coconut powder, dry chilies, cumin seeds, dhania powder, turmeric powder and garam masala) with water.(light your stove) Take a pan, pour little oil; add mustard, chopped shallots and curry leaves. Add the chopped onions, let it become golden brown ;add the grinded contents and salt . Leave it for 10 minutes to boil. Now add the boiled eggs to the kurma. Allow it to boil for another 5 minutes.

This kurma can be used as a side dish for chappatis and kubus.

Egg Curry

Eggs - 2
Onion - 1
Shallots - 50 grams
green chilies - 2
Sesame oil, salt and turmeric as needed
Dry chilies- 4
Cumin seeds - 1 tablespoon
tamarind - soak in water (one small lemon size)
Greeted coconut - 1 small cup

Take a pan , pour little oil and fry onion and green chili and set aside. Now beat egg with salt and make omlettes, using the fried onion and green chili. keep this aside. Now grind (coconut, shallots, dry chilies, cumin seeds with water). Take another pan, pour little oil, add mustard, 1 chopped shallot and curry leaves. add the grinded contents and then the tamrind soaked water; add salt. Allow it to boil for 20minutes in simmer mode. Make the omlettes into small pieces and add with the curry. The egg curry is ready now.

It can be used with rice and vegetables.

Please try it and leave your comments

Sunday, September 27, 2009

detailed receipes

I feel, it look like a miracle; that i'm cooking and it does tastes good. For 7 months I have become someone really interesting... "a responsible person"

I still remember and still feel the smell of mine - hardly goes near the stove.... hang around the kitchen for cutting, cleaning and washing vessels. I will be one of the very small subsitutes in my aunt's kitchen. And my sisters make fun when i go near the stove. Its still so green and fresh in my mind.... 6 months had changed everything from A to Z.

I should agree that i'm still a trainee when i see my Mom, aunt and elders everyone i knew. Yet, the surprise is i have become a qualified Kitchen speacialist.

I'm writing Few Recepies that worked out very well.... Try it and let me know the results. Cooking is not a great art, its just another hobby. Tastes come well, when you are involued in it. The more you love people at home and your mood determines the proteins and vitamins and its taste.

Mutton Kurma

Easy to make but very delicious

Olive oil/Sesame oil - 3Tbsp
Dry Chili - 7
Tomato - 3
Onion - 4
Chili Powder - 1Tbsp
Mutton - 1/4kg
Potato - 2
Salt - as required
Corriander leaves for garnishing


Wash the mutton with lot of water and spread little tumeric , with the mutton after cleaning it. In a cooker, Pour oil and fry the chopped onion, add dry chilies also add the chopped tomatoes and fry till the colour of the onion becomes little brown. now add the chili powder, mix well; then add the mutton (You can add little water may be half to a 1/4 cup).

Fry it for 5 minutes and close the cooker with the weight. let the cooker whistle 8 times. Open the cooker(when it is ready to open) and add chopped potato with it, add salt andmix well and let the cooker whistle for another 8 times. The Mutton Kurma is ready. It can be served with rice and chaptati

Chicken Gravy

Will be very tasty

coconut - 1/2
Dry chilies - 10
corriander seeds whole - 1 small cup
chicken - 1/2 kg
Onion - 5
Tomato - 4
cloves -2
cardamam - 3
pattai - 2 piece
Ginger - small
Olive Oil/Sesame oil - 1 cup
salt as required
Corriander leaves for garnishing


Grind the coconut and have it in a plate.Wash chicken throughly and spread tumeric with chicken. Now take a pan and fry coconut with dry chilies, whole corriander seeds along with cloves, cardamam, pattai till it becomes brown. Then allow it to cool and grind the contents in a mixie. In the pan fry chopped ginger, chopped onion and chopped tomato add chicken to it. Close the lid for 5 minutes. Then add the grinded contents with the chicken and allow it to cook for another 5 minutes. Next add salt and allow it to cook in simmer for 20 minutes. Garnish the chicken gravy with corriander leaves. Now its ready.

Delicious Jelly

Easy and nice to have

grapes - 1/2kg
Sugar - 1/2 kg
Gelatine - 1 cup diluted (thickly)
Water as required


Clean the grapes (purple) and cut into half to remove its seeds. take a vessel and allow the grapes to be boiled it until the grapes are well cooked. Smash the grapes well. add sugar and gelatine with it slowly one by one. mix well and boil it for another 5 minutes. allow it to cool. Drain the contents in a glass bowl and refridgrate it. The jelly is ready and can be had as and when required. Grapes can be substituted with orange and strawberry.

Shallots Sambaar

Tasty and Easy.


Shallots - 100gms
Tomato - 3
Sambaar Dhal - 100gms (soak it for 20 minutes - after washing the dhal well in water to get fully cooked dhaal)
Olive Oil/Sesame oil as required
Sambaar powder - 2 Tbsps (combination of 3/4 Tbsp of Chili Powder, 1 Tbsp of Corriander Powder, 1/4 Tbsp of Tumeric)
Chili Powder - 1 Tbsp
Salt as required
Corriander leaves for garnishing
Mustard, little shallots chopped, Dry chilies, curry leaves for frying


Take a pressure cooker and cook the dhal. allow it to whistle four times.
Take another pan, pour little oil; fry the chopped shallots and chopped tomato. Let the tomato be smashed in heat. add the cooked dhal with it and mix well for 3 minutes. add sambaar powder, chilipowder, salt and corriander leaves. mix well for another 5 minutes.
Transfer the contents to the pressure cooker and allow it to whistle for two times. Take a pan and pour little oil fry mustard, curry leaves, chopped shallots, dry chillies and fry it till everything becomes little brown. Add these contents with thw sambaar and mix well.
Sambaar is ready to serve.