Monday, October 5, 2009

Some healthy food Stuff

Radish Poriyal

Radish - 2
Greeted Coconut - 1 cup
Green chili - 2
Tumeric, salt, curry leaves, mustard, sesame/ Olive oil as needed
Shallots - 50 grams
Dry Chilies - 2


Cut Radish in big pieces, Cook with tumeric and drain all its water. (let it be dry). Keep it aside.
Take a plate, put greeted coconut, chopped green chilies, little tumeric, chopped shallots, salt and mix well with hand. Now take a pan, pour little oil, add mustard, curry leaves and dry chilies. Add the coconut mixture and mix well. Add the chopped raddish and mix again.

Raddish poriyal is ready. Can be served with rice and curry.

Mutton Soup


Mutton Ribs - 100 grams

Potatoes - 1

Shallots - 250 grams

Tomato - 1

Green peas - 50 grams

Fresh mint leaves - chopped

bay leaf - 1

Cardomans - 2

Cloves - 3

Pepper whole - 6

Pepper powder - 1 tsp

Olive oil - 1 tsp

Turmeric, salt and water as needed


Clean ans throughly wash mutton bones/ Ribs. Peal, wash and cut vegetables. Pour oil in a cooker, fry bay leaf, cloves, pepper whole, cardomons. Then add vegetables and mint leaves with pepper powder, turmeric and salt. Add mutton bones and mix well on a medium flame for 10 minutes.

Add three cups of water, close the lid and along it to whistle 3 times.

The mutton soup is ready.

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